Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yard Sale Fun, Again

We have been yard saleing every Saturday for about a month and a half now.  I have really come to enjoy them and I have even shared some of my spoils with you.  Recently I did quite a bit of my school clothing shopping at one.  I was very excited about that because clothes shopping can be so expensive.  I was able to get a couple of skirts, two dresses, and some shorts all for $6.

My husband was able to get this clock for $20.  We are going to give it to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.  They have given us so much in the past I am glad we were able to find a great deal and give it to them.
I also started my Christmas shopping.  My older son loves UK, so I found the blanket above for $2.  I was able to get 10 brand new Goosebumps books for $3 and I purchased two travel paint kits for $1 each.  

My kids are hilarious in the different ways they approach yard sales.  First, I should say neither likes to go and they complain the entire time, but their spending habits are so interesting.

C the older child is quite a saver, workhorse, and well, a mooch!  If there is anything he can get his brother (or me) to purchase and then share with him he is on it using his very persuassive techniques.  As of today C has saved $21+.  The only thing I have seen him purchase at a yard sale is a DS game and I was so proud of him.  Without discussing this with me or his dad he walked up to the lady and said "How much would you take for this?"  I sat back and watched the entire exchange and it was pretty darn cute.  In the end he got it for a $1 less.  But I have seen him talk his brother into purchasing bouncy balls, Hulk punching gloves, a DS game, some more bouncy balls, Pick Up Sticks and he has also gotten me to purchase him a Slinky and some (yes more) bouncy balls.

I didn't even have to ask him to smile for this one.

Now, my younger son is another story.  Saving is simply not a word he knows or cares to understand.  As soon as he gets any money he is ready to spend.  Every week his $1 is gone and it is typically gone at the first yard sale.  Today he bought 22 bouncy balls with his $1.  What in the world did he want 22 bouncy balls for, I don't know.   Is he playing with them now?  Of course he isn't!  Will he play with them again?  Who knows.  But that moment of joy when he spends his dollar is obviously worth it to him. 

A and his spoils.
If you would like to see more on our yard sale fun you can click here or here or here.  What successes have you had, I love to hear about yard saleing.

Thanks to Jen at  Yard Sale Mommy for hosting a link up.


  1. Great finds! I love how you're teaching the little ones, too! Too cute in the differences between them...I love how the older one talks the younger one into spending his money...sounds a lot like me and my brother when we were kids :) One time i found this great mirror for $3 and a batman pinball machine for $8...decor and christmas gifts! Yardsales are the best!

  2. Thanks! We do love our yard sales. It sounds like you have gotten some nice stuff also!

  3. I love that clock. garage sales here stink and I would never come across anything like that. At the thrift store maybe.
