Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why I Love Goodwill

So I must confess, I have an addiction and it goes by the name of Goodwill.  In the past year I have started shopping at Goodwill regularly (at least once a month).  I can't help it, I love their prices for kids clothing.  How can you go wrong when all the kids clothing is $1.50 a piece.  I love that it is $1.50 regardless of its condition or label.  That means I can get a brand new shirt or jeans or whatever for $1.50.  It doesn't matter who made it.  Some of the labels I have gotten include Gap, Old Navy, Nike, Children's Place & Gymboree, all for $1.50.   Oh, did I mention their clothes are only $1.50????

Another good reason for loving Goodwill, or hand-me-downs in general, is that they are good for the environment.  It makes me happy to know that I am not supporting American consumerism (at least in the traditional sense).  I love the fact that I can find nice clothes that would otherwise end up in a landfill, get more use out of them and not buy another item that would also end up in the landfill.  That means I have prolonged the time it takes for one item to get to a landfill and totally eliminated the other. 

A third reason I choose to shop at Goodwill is because sometimes when I buy an item for $1.50, I make money on it.  Since my children's clothing is often so cheap I can provide them with many different outfits which means that the clothes don't get as much wear and tear.  Since I only buy clothes when they are new or in good condition they may actually last through the child or children who wear them and then I sell them at the consignment shop (I actually stopped by today to see how much money I had made so far this season and we have $73, some of which is from Goodwill clothing).

So here is what I got:
5 pairs of jeans  - 1 each by Faded Glory, Old Navy, Aborcrombie, Cherokee and Children's Place Jeans
6 shirts - 2 by Old Navy, 1 Gap, 2 Mossimo, & one brand new, but very well made off brand that I can't remember the name of.
1 pair of Gap dress/tie shoes (shoes are not $1.50, but are still cheap @$3.00)
Grand Total $20.67 and that is why I love Goodwill!  What do you think about shopping at Goodwill or thrift stores?

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