Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday Night Groceries (A little late:)

So I had a great night grocery shopping and was able to get some great deals.  Is it too sad, like to the point I should never disclose this again, that grocery shopping and deal getting make me so happy? 

I should also explain the lack of meat.  If you can tell from the picture the only meat present is lunch meat.  We honestly aren't planning on sandwiches all week long, I promise.  For a while now I have been stockpiling and we have (or at least had) a decent amount of meat in our freezer, it is now dwindling and next week I will probably buy some pork.  But the other reason we don't have any meat is because we just don't eat a ton of it.  My husband eats salads all the time and I have never been a huge fan which I guess I passed on to the kids, so moderation is the key word around here.  Anyway, on we go to the loot....

Org. Spinach4.78
3lb Clementines3.88
1 Red Pepper1.94
2 Org Muir Glenn Tom.Sauce2.64
Nivea Body Wash3    1-$3 coupon
Total Spent13.42
Total Saved$3
4 Kraft Cheese7.52    4-$1 coupons
Total Spent3.52
Total Saved4
4 Hormel Turkey5    4-$1coupons
Total Spent6
Total Saved4
Org. Stoneyfield Yog3.56
Org. Mushrooms2
2 Hormel Turkey5    2 - $1 coupons
4 Camp. Cream of Mush3    1- .5 coupon
2 Steamfresh Green Beans1.78    1 - $1 coupon
2 Dole Pineapple1.94    1 -$1 coupon
2 Dole Mand. Org.1.94    1 - $1 coupon
10 Kraft Cheese18.8    10 - $1 coupons
Unbleach WW Flour3.19
2 Kraft Light Mayo5     1 - $1 coupon
2 Strawberries3.34
2 EB Org. Romaine6    1 - $2 coupon
   $3.50 off 45.00
   $20.00 OYNO
Total Spent14.55
Total Saved60.68    My best % ever!!!!
3 Big K 2 liters2.37
Org PS Butter4.59
2 Org PS Green Beans2.3
2 6 packs Coke Zero6
2 Dole Mand. Org2    1 - $1 coupon
Kroger Yeast3.19
Org Frozen Blueberries3.59
Org EB Eggs3.99    1- $1 coupon
2 Kroger Eggs2
2 Canteloupe3.3
2 Suave Deodorant1.76    2 - $1 coupons
1/2 Gal. Org Milk3.19
2 Kroger Cottage Che.2.5
5.41 lbs. Org Bananas3.19
1.4 lbs. Tom.2.07
2.6 lbs. org Apples2.57    1 - $1 coupon
    $5 gift card
Total Spent44.22
Total Saved22.02
10 Albacore Tuna10    $10 Extra Bucks
1 Green Bag Tag1    $1 Extra Bucks
3 Cans Olives2.64
Total Spent2.7
Total Saved Can't find receipt
3 Scotch Tape1.99   3 - $1 coupons
1 Extra Gum1.5
2 Aquafresh Toothpaste4   2 - $2 coupons
Total Spent0.61
Total Saved9.17
Total Spent This Week85.02
Total Saved120.5

So, this week was a good week and I am pretty proud of myself.  I'm not saying I am good at this grocery shopping thing.  I know many people spend much less and save much more, but I did well for me and that is a good thing!  Most importantly of all though is that through shopping the sales and matching up my coupons I was able to save $45 for the Florida fund.  Woo Hoo!!!!!  How did you did this week?


  1. Hi, Colleen! You did great there, and organics to boot! If you haven't tried it yet, you might want to contact the organic food manufacturers and tell them how much you like their products. They might send you some coupons for them. Good luck with your blog!

  2. Hi Laura! Thanks for being my first follower!!!I am very excited and appreciate you helping me out. I definitely will try contacting some of the organic producers this summer while I am off. I enjoy your blog tremendously and I love the title. Thanks for the good luck wish, I am enjoying it so far.
