Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Plans

It has been several days since my first post and something I have noticed about myself is that I am intimidated by it.  At this point I am the only one even viewing this blog, not even my dear mother has checked it out yet!!!!  But, I am a little frightened about putting myself out there.  This is something quite unexpected, but in truth I am learning about myself and that makes me happy.  Another thing that makes me happy is that I know I will blog and I will not let the fear overcome me. 

So anyway, the point of this post is to write out my weekly plans aka goals. 

Finish the flower bed in the front.  This is a MAJOR task.  I have gotten it about halfway done and so far it has entailed: collecting the newest layer of mulch (put down last year) and depositing it in the back yard, tearing up the weed barrier, digging up the second, third, fourth, etc. layers of mulch some of which has decomposed into dirt and depositing it into a huge ditch in the back yard and finally tearing up the second layer of weed barrier.  At the present I am in the midst of digging up the second, third and fourth layers of mulch.  I have gotten almost half of that done.  When that is over with I have to dig up the plants, replant them in a different place and put in the new plants.  I am excited to say some of those new plants are blueberry bushes and strawberry plants!!!  I can't wait until we get our first batch of home grown berries (even if it isn't this year).

I would also love to get my bathroom and the kids bathroom clean before the weekend.

We currently have a whopping $11 in our bank account.  This isn't that unusal since most of our money goes straight to the credit card companies, but it typically isn't this low.  So the goal is to only spend the few dollars in my wallet.  I know that Doug, my husband, will be purchasing mower blades and that will have to go on the credit card, but I hope that is it. 

We have a grocery budget of $125.  I would really like to only spend between $100 and $115 so that we could pocket a little extra for our vacation fund..

I have been spending way too much time on the computer reading blogs.  It is amazing how addicting it can become, at least for me.  So I would like to limit myself to no more than one hour of computer time an evening and spend more time with my children.  How is that for a specific goal - not so much huh?  So to get more specific I would like to spend 30 minutes this week with each child doing an activity of their choice.  I also need to get back in the habit of reading to them every night, so I will try to do this a minimum of two times in the next seven days. 

So if my last goals were not so specific, I am going to make up for it here.  I will excercise at least 4 times this week.  Lately exercise for me has been walking between 2-3 miles.  I have run in the past and would like to get back in the habit so we will see if it happens this week.  Wow, I ruined my specific goal didn't I!?!

Well there you have it, we will see how it goes.  Hopefully, I will make it back here this week with another post.