Lots of freebies again this week. I promise I usually do not do this well. I often try to get at least one free item a week and well the past two I have greatly exceeded that - I'm not complaining one bit though!
Here is the breakdown
2 Kids Crest...free with $1 coupons
Butterfinger & Folgers Coffee (not pictured)...free with Walgreens Reg. Rew. from Splenda deal
2 Splenda...free w/$3 coupon, plus buy 2 and get $3 in Reg. Rew. (Walgreens)
2 Org. Carrots...free at Meijer with $2 off 2 Earthbound products - I love Recyclebank!
1 Kashi Cereal...free at Meijer with $2 Recyclebank and $1 store coupon
1 Reach Floss...free at Kroger with $1 coupon
Pedigree dog food...free at Kroger with $5 coupon
3 pack of Ivory Soap...free at Kroger with $1 coupon
2 free Country Crock manufacturer's coupons
Let's keep these good weeks rolling!
Attempts at a Simpler Life is a chronicle of my family's attempts to get out of debt, eat healthier, make less of a footprint on our planet, and just simply live the good life. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday Night Groceries
It was another good week. In fact this week for the first time I figured up my coupon savings alone and discovered I saved over $50 by using coupons! It isn't always that high, but I was amazed. I stocked up on Hormel lunch meat again. My coupons were about to expire and so was the sale, so I used as many as my budget & freezer would allow. I really like the Hormel meat because it doesn't have any preservatives, like nitrates in it! I was also able to get several things for free :), which is always exciting. Oh, and how could I forget, you will see more junk food than normal in there. I have started to build our vacation snack stockpile. Although Pringles and Goldfish may not be the healthiest road trip snack, they sure beat a stop at McDonald's when you consider both price and nutrition. And finally, by staying over $20 under budget I was also able to add $20 to the vacation fund! I am truly amazed at how much I have been able to add to our vacation fund by making small changes to our grocery shopping and everyday spending. It really is something for me to think about once we get back from Florida.
Well here it is......
29-Apr | ||
Walgreens | ||
2 Splenda | 5.98 | 2-$3 coupons |
1 pack 6 rolls Scott Paper Towels | 5 1 - $1 store coupon & 1 - $1 man. Coupon | |
Total Spent | 3.28 | |
Total Saved | 8 | I lost my receipt so this is actually low |
Walgreens | ||
2 Folgers Coffee | 5.58 | 2- $1 coupons |
Butterfinger (filler) | 0.39 | |
$3 Register Reward from order above | ||
Total Spent | 0.99 | |
Total Saved | 5 | Again, low b/c the had to make price |
adjustments & didn't figure correctly | ||
Kroger | ||
Kibbles Dog Food | 9.99 | $1.50 coupon |
2 PerfectSweet Froz. Veg. | 2 | $1 coupon |
4 Pringles | 4 | 2 - $1 coupons |
4 packs of Goldfish | 4 | 2 - .70 coupons |
2 Kroger Cott. Cheese | 2.5 | |
1 Org. Egg Best Eggs | 3.99 | 1 - $1 coupon |
Purina Dog Food | 3.99 | $5 coupon |
2 CoCo Crispies | 3.96 | $1 coupon |
2 Atheno Hummus | 2 | |
3 Pills. Bis. | 3 | e-coupon .3 & .80 man. Coupon |
Yardley Soap | 1 | .7 coupon |
2 Kids Crest Toothpaste | 2 | 2 - $1 coupons |
Kroger Unblea. WW Flour | 3.69 | |
Brevea Coffee Creamer | 2.29 | Free Coupon |
2 Sliced Kraft Cheese | 3.58 | 2 - .75 coupons |
3 Big K Soda | 2.37 | |
3 pack Ivory Soap | 1 | $1 coupon |
J&J Floss | 1 | $1 coupon |
Kroger Org. Milk | 3.19 | |
Kroger Veg. Spray | 1.99 | this was supposed to be 1.25 - ugh!!! |
Org. Bananas | 2.77 | |
1 yellow pepper | 1.79 | |
1 pack org. cherry tom. | 2.5 | .65 off tom. Purchase |
3.17 lbs. org apples | 2.79 | |
Total Spent | 51.56 | |
Total Saved | 59.68 | |
Meijer | ||
10 Hormel Lunch Meat | 15 | 10 - $1 coupons |
Org. Stoneyfield Yog. | 3.56 | |
Clementines | 4.99 | was supposed to be 3.99 - ugh! |
Porkloin | 6.93 | |
2 Canteloupes | 1.98 | |
4 Romaine Lett | 4 | |
2 EB Org. Carrots | 1.98 | $2 off 2 EB products - Recyclebank |
Org Mushrooms | 0.99 | |
Kashi Cereal | 2.99 | $2 Recyclebank & $1 store coupon |
2 6 packs of Pepsi | 2.75 | |
2 Strawberries | 2.5 | |
4 pack of porkchops | 3.51 | |
$2.50 off of $10 produce | ||
Total Spent | 46.72 | |
Total Saved | 36.09 | |
Total Coupon Savings | 53.64 | If I can add correctly :) |
Total Spending | 102.55 | |
Total Savings | 108.77 |
How were the sales for you? Did I miss any good ones?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Recyclebank & Why I Love It
Our family has been recycling for years and up until recently we have always taken it to the county drop off center. Sometimes this meant we had very large stacks of recyclable material and my husband would get a little aggravated with me. However, I refused to pay for the curb side service when I could do it for free on my own.
Well, about six months ago we got a flyer from our trash service about how we could now get rewarded with gift certificates and coupons for our recycling efforts. This intrigued me, but it took about three months for me to get it together and call our waste service (yes, I'm not the fastest acting individual around). Once I found out that the service would cost $13.50 for three months with pickups every other week, I decided to investigate Recyclebank (where you get the gift certificates and coupons) and see what the rewards really were before I signed up for the service.
What I found was very convincing and is why today I pay the $13.50 to have the convenience of someone to pick up my recycling and by the way I am loving it!!!!! Recyclebank is all about encouraging, rewarding, and educating people about recycling and protecting our planet's future. Their website is incredibly informative and there are multiple articles that I need to sit down and read (note to self). But the part that convinced me to pay were the rewards. After collecting points for recycling you can cash them in for all kinds of things. Examples include:$2.00 off Kashi cereal, $2 off 2 Earthbound products (these are organic), $1 off a Coke product, gift cards from Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Olive Garden, Old Navy, and various amounts off of a minimum purchase at stores like Dicks, Foot Locker & K-Mart. The list could go on and on and there is definitely something for everyone. I personally love the coupons. This week alone I will be getting two bags of free carrots and a box of Kashi Cereal all FREE (one of my favorite words) thanks to Recyclebank.
In the end, I think I break even with the coupons that I use. But really I don't break even - we recycle more because I don't have overflow when I can't get to the recycling center and I have extra time to spend with my family doing more important things since someone picks it up for me:). So the $13.50 I pay is well worth it.
So if you recycle and this seems like something you would like to do follow this link and sign up:
Recyclebank. But do not fear if you don't recycle or Recyclebank is not available in your area. Recyclebank has many other ways you can earn points (they just don't add up as fast). One way everyone can earn right now is the Green Your Home Challenge. You can add over 100 points right now by entering. It is so simple and you might learn something along the way. If you are interested you need to sign up through your waste service and they will either send you info. about Recyclebank & how to sign up there too or you can give them your current account info. and they will make sure you get credit for recycling.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Some Ramblings
Well, I don't have much of any substance to talk about today, so I want to just touch base on a few exciting things. First, I arrived home today to two big boxes. One I knew was organic peanut butter I ordered with Swagbucks. I made a big mistake with this. The total for 6, 16 oz containers was $24. Somehow I got the math for that to equal approximately 1.50 a jar. This is about what I am willing to pay for Skippy's Natural Peanut Butter. But since I'm sure you are better at math than I am, you can see the glaring flaw in my calculations. Anyway, I happily plunked down $15 worth of Swagbucks and made up the difference in cash. I was rather pleased with myself until I discovered this mistake! Well at $9 it does even out to $1.50 a jar and at least I didn't spend any extra cash.
Another exciting shopping event today involved Walgreens. I had previously been to Walgreens in search of the fabulous Splenda deal they have going on. 80 oz are on sale for $2.99 and I had two coupons for $3 off. Unfortunately they were either out of it or I simply couldn't find it, but today was my lucky day and I was able to get the last two boxes:).
I have also had a few heart to hearts with myself over our budgeting concerns and I think reason has won the battle! Taste of Home cookbooks are on sale for $5 and shipping is either free or only $1. Both my mom and I would like some of these. She borrowed one of her neighbor's Taste of Home cookbooks and both of us were drooling over it. Anyway, our budget is exceedingly tight this month due to my car registration fees and one of Doug's paychecks not being quite what it is budgeted for. So after a lot of thought and many times clicking the "cancel" button on the order, I was able to walk away. We don't have the money right now, they will be on sale again, & we are committed to getting rid of that debt! I'm proud of myself. I am no where near where I need to be in terms of controlling my spending and budgeting properly, but I am making improvement!
The second container was some margarine spread that I had signed up to sample. I got two FULL sized containers of margarine spread for free, Yippee!!!!
Another exciting shopping event today involved Walgreens. I had previously been to Walgreens in search of the fabulous Splenda deal they have going on. 80 oz are on sale for $2.99 and I had two coupons for $3 off. Unfortunately they were either out of it or I simply couldn't find it, but today was my lucky day and I was able to get the last two boxes:).
I have also had a few heart to hearts with myself over our budgeting concerns and I think reason has won the battle! Taste of Home cookbooks are on sale for $5 and shipping is either free or only $1. Both my mom and I would like some of these. She borrowed one of her neighbor's Taste of Home cookbooks and both of us were drooling over it. Anyway, our budget is exceedingly tight this month due to my car registration fees and one of Doug's paychecks not being quite what it is budgeted for. So after a lot of thought and many times clicking the "cancel" button on the order, I was able to walk away. We don't have the money right now, they will be on sale again, & we are committed to getting rid of that debt! I'm proud of myself. I am no where near where I need to be in terms of controlling my spending and budgeting properly, but I am making improvement!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday Night Groceries (A little late:)
So I had a great night grocery shopping and was able to get some great deals. Is it too sad, like to the point I should never disclose this again, that grocery shopping and deal getting make me so happy?
I should also explain the lack of meat. If you can tell from the picture the only meat present is lunch meat. We honestly aren't planning on sandwiches all week long, I promise. For a while now I have been stockpiling and we have (or at least had) a decent amount of meat in our freezer, it is now dwindling and next week I will probably buy some pork. But the other reason we don't have any meat is because we just don't eat a ton of it. My husband eats salads all the time and I have never been a huge fan which I guess I passed on to the kids, so moderation is the key word around here. Anyway, on we go to the loot....
22-Apr | ||
Wal-Mart | ||
Org. Spinach | 4.78 | |
3lb Clementines | 3.88 | |
1 Red Pepper | 1.94 | |
2 Org Muir Glenn Tom.Sauce | 2.64 | |
Nivea Body Wash | 3 | 1-$3 coupon |
Total Spent | 13.42 | |
Total Saved | $3 | |
Meijer | ||
4 Kraft Cheese | 7.52 | 4-$1 coupons |
Total Spent | 3.52 | |
Total Saved | 4 | |
Meijer | ||
4 Hormel Turkey | 5 | 4-$1coupons |
Total Spent | 6 | |
Total Saved | 4 | |
Meijer | ||
Org. Stoneyfield Yog | 3.56 | |
Org. Mushrooms | 2 | |
2 Hormel Turkey | 5 | 2 - $1 coupons |
4 Camp. Cream of Mush | 3 | 1- .5 coupon |
2 Steamfresh Green Beans | 1.78 | 1 - $1 coupon |
2 Dole Pineapple | 1.94 | 1 -$1 coupon |
2 Dole Mand. Org. | 1.94 | 1 - $1 coupon |
10 Kraft Cheese | 18.8 | 10 - $1 coupons |
Unbleach WW Flour | 3.19 | |
2 Kraft Light Mayo | 5 | 1 - $1 coupon |
2 Strawberries | 3.34 | |
2 EB Org. Romaine | 6 | 1 - $2 coupon |
$3.50 off 45.00 | ||
$20.00 OYNO | ||
Total Spent | 14.55 | |
Total Saved | 60.68 | My best % ever!!!! |
Kroger | ||
3 Big K 2 liters | 2.37 | |
Org PS Butter | 4.59 | |
2 Org PS Green Beans | 2.3 | |
2 6 packs Coke Zero | 6 | |
2 Dole Mand. Org | 2 | 1 - $1 coupon |
Kroger Yeast | 3.19 | |
Org Frozen Blueberries | 3.59 | |
Org EB Eggs | 3.99 | 1- $1 coupon |
2 Kroger Eggs | 2 | |
2 Canteloupe | 3.3 | |
2 Suave Deodorant | 1.76 | 2 - $1 coupons |
1/2 Gal. Org Milk | 3.19 | |
2 Kroger Cottage Che. | 2.5 | |
5.41 lbs. Org Bananas | 3.19 | |
1.4 lbs. Tom. | 2.07 | |
2.6 lbs. org Apples | 2.57 | 1 - $1 coupon |
$5 gift card | ||
Total Spent | 44.22 | |
Total Saved | 22.02 | |
CVS | ||
10 Albacore Tuna | 10 | $10 Extra Bucks |
1 Green Bag Tag | 1 | $1 Extra Bucks |
3 Cans Olives | 2.64 | |
Total Spent | 2.7 | |
Total Saved | Can't find receipt | |
Walgreens | ||
3 Scotch Tape | 1.99 | 3 - $1 coupons |
1 Extra Gum | 1.5 | |
2 Aquafresh Toothpaste | 4 | 2 - $2 coupons |
Total Spent | 0.61 | |
Total Saved | 9.17 | |
Total Spent This Week | 85.02 | |
Total Saved | 120.5 |
So, this week was a good week and I am pretty proud of myself. I'm not saying I am good at this grocery shopping thing. I know many people spend much less and save much more, but I did well for me and that is a good thing! Most importantly of all though is that through shopping the sales and matching up my coupons I was able to save $45 for the Florida fund. Woo Hoo!!!!! How did you did this week?
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