Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Way I Haven't Been Completely Frugal Lately

I have an addiction, well probably a few, but the one I am talking about here is BOOKS.  I love books and it probably stems from my love of education (its the teacher in me).  Well, I recently went to one of my favorite bookstores - Half-Price Books, in search of a book for my mom.  Unfortunately, they did not have it, but they had a lot of what I was looking for!  Just about each of these are for my classroom,

  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - such a good read!!!!  I loved this book and have been waiting to find a copy at Half-Price Books and it is a hard cover which is good because it will get lots of use! 
  • A Million Little Pieces by James Frey - I know, I know the controversies revolving around this book, but it really is a good read and lots of information about substance abuse and recovery and remember MOST of it is true.
  • A User's Guide to the Brain by John J Ratey - This is really just to help this poor social studies teacher who has to teach a bunch of biology.  Don't feel too bad for me, this is what I find most fascinating about psychology.
  • Lit by Mary Karr - This is another substance abuse book.  Lately I have been avoiding these because it often seems like if you have read one, you have read them all.  But this one comes highly recommended.
  • TWEAK by Sheff - Another substance abuse book, but it is about Meth and I need to know more info about it since it has become such an epidemic.
  • Weekends at Bellvue by Holland - This sounds so interesting!!!!  It is a psych ward doctor's account of nine years on the night shift in the psych ER.  I have read a similar book to this and I learned so much about various different psych disorders.  I hope this one is just as educational.
  • Manic by Cheney - A Memoir about Bipolar Disorder.  My students often understand so little about this disorder, so I hope it will serve as a good example.
  • Flow by Csikszentmihalyi - A peer of mine talks about Flow all the time and although I have a general idea of what it is for the most part I just shake my head and pretend I understand what she is talking about.  So I finally bought the book she loves and now I can discuss it intelligently, I hope :).
  • Chew on This by Schlosser and Wilson - A book about what we eat today.
  • Clean by Junger - "The revolutionary program to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself."  I can't wait.  I read part of it and was fascinated.
  • Enough by Thurow and Kilman - "Why the worlds poorest starve in an age of plenty."  This is the social studies teacher in me.  When I taught geography I would read these books and then come in and share with my students and I promise it made the sometimes boring study of geography MUCH more interesting!
  • This Land is Their Land by Ehrenreich - I read her book "Nickle & Dimed" and really enjoyed it and was quite happy to find another one by her. 
  • The Developing Child by Bee - This is a textbook just to help my background knowledge or if I ever run into a question I don't have an answer to. 
Total amount set back (don't tell my husband!) - $67

Was it a frugal purchase?  Maybe, I can deduct it off my taxes, I got a 10% educator discount and I bought all but one at a used bookstore, but I probably would have been better off financially if I had not splurged quite so much!  Just a book or two would have been better. 

What have you read this summer that wowed you?  I would love to hear!

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