Friday, August 5, 2011

Food Waste Friday

On Wednesday July 6, 2011 I decided to finally join The Frugal Girl and begin TRULY attempting to reduce our family's food waste and in the spirit of Mom's Plans I am guesstimating how much the food waste cost our family. 

Well, right after I posted last week's food waste I realized I neglected to include something - yucky tomatoes.  I purchased 4 packs of tomatoes (.45 per pint).  This was too much and I knew that, but at .45 a piece I was hoping we could do it.  Three weeks later, I have to admit they went bad before we could use them.  So about 10 cherry tomatoes went into the trash.  Estimated cost 10 cents, if that.

Next, I made bread a week ago and something went very wrong.  I think I left out the salt, but regardless it was ewwww.  I made croutons with one loaf, but the second was beyond tasting bad and has taken on a strange odor.  Those of you who make your own bread, maybe you can help me out here.  My husband says it smells like it is fermenting.  I kind of think it smells like it is sour.  This smell has happened a couple of times.  I would love to know how to avoid it because this isn't the first time it has happened.  Typically it is at the end of a loaf and I just suck it up and eat it anyway.  Estimated cost, (I don't know) lets say 50 cents.

My third item is about a half of a jar of applesauce.  It was long past its expiration and it was definitely fermenting. I have the same problem that Kristen of The Frugal Girl was discussing today.  I like to buy the big jar because it cost about 10 cents more than the little jar, which makes for a great deal, but typically ends up getting wasted.  I guess I need to buy the little one anyway.  Estimated cost 50 cents.

Finally, I had to throw away some veggies from earlier in the week.  They were part of the veggies that I rescued from the marked down produce section.  I cut them up and froze them, but even my husband who will eat just about anything you put in front of him said they were "Foul."  So, the leftovers hit the compost bin.   Estimated cost, 50 cents. 

Estimated grand total for wasted food this week - $1.60. 

I know this seems like a lot, but remember I'm new at this and I really do think I'm making progress.  How did you do?

This is linked to The Frugal Girl's Food Waste Friday. 

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I can think of with the bread might be that you have a problem with the yeast reacting some weird way to another ingredient? Is the bread rising correctly? Maybe try another brand of yeast?
    I've never had the weird smell happen before with homemade bread..although I have smelled it with store bought bread before. Sometimes I keep my homemade goods in the fridge to prolong their life..especially in the summer because it stays so warm in our kitchen, they mold quite quickly.
    I hope that helps, and you figure out the bread mystery!

    Good job this week- you are getting better!
    I didn't do very well this week, but we'll try for improvement next time.:)
