Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Cleaned Out the Jeans Department at Goodwill

The yard sales around here have really been dwindling, so we haven't been out in about three weeks.  That doesn't set well with my bargain shopping (read addicted to bargain shopping) self.  I really had fun with 50 cents or less clothing at yard sales this year, but when I can't find them anymore I have to hit up Goodwill.  And hit up Goodwill is exactly what I did, I had a lot of fun too.  I spent $27 for 17 items and really added to to my jean supply for this year and coming years.  All the clothing was $1.50 each except the two adult items which were $2.50 each.  Here are the details:

For now.....
  • 1 pair of Talbots dark brown pants for me :)
  • 1 pair Cherokee jeans for A.  I usually don't buy a lot for him because he ends up with all of C's clothes plus new ones from the grandparents.  Believe me when I say he is definitely not neglected.
  • 1 pair of Nike sweatpants size small.  We will see who they fit maybe C, maybe A
  • 1 pair of Cherokee jean shorts, 2 pairs Old Navy jeans and 1 pair of Levis for C.
For the stockpile.....
  • 1 pair of Levi jean shorts size 10 (next summer).
  • 1 pair of Lee jeans size 12 (winter of 12/13).
  • 1 pair of Gap jeans size 16 (um...I'm not sure when, have I lost my mind?  My child presently is in between an 8/10 in jeans.  So, my best guess is three years from now.  Seriously, does anyone else do this or am I really crazy for buying clothes that far in advance?)
  • 1 pair of Old Navy size 14 jeans (winter of 12/13).
  • 1 pair of Union Bay khaki shorts size 12 (summer of 13).
To sell.....
  • I found a beautiful American Eagle shirt in brand new condition it even still had the inspector sticker.  It was $2.50 and it won't fit anyone in my family now or for a super long time, but it was in such condition I just had to get it.
  • A super cute J.Crew cardigan for $1.50.
For fun.....
  • Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets for 50 cents to read to my kiddos.  We can never finish them in time to return to the library, so this will be great!
For school lunches.....
  • Red reusable water bottle (brand new) for 89 cents.  When we made the switch to reusable bottles I was worried our family would constantly be losing them and we would actually be doing more harm to the environment than good because we would constantly be buying better quality (hence more material to make them) water bottles.  Well, that has partially been true, the kids are semi-responsible with them.  So, in order to make myself feel better we have been buying them at yard sales and Goodwill instead of stores.  I know this solution isn't perfect, but hey, you do what you can do. 
  • An old, but still good Tupperware container which is nice and flat to perfectly fit in the kids' lunch boxes.  It was 59 cents I believe.
Sometime soon I will have to show you all my clothing stockpile.  The good thing is we have lots of storage space and other than clothing and some food we don't have much stuff.  My husband is a cluterphobe and I have never been very sentimental or attached to stuff, so it isn't like our house is overrun and the clothes are organized in Rubbermaid containers in the storage area that no one sees.  BUT, is it normal to get clothes so much in advance?  Here is the truth whether I want to admit it or not, I LOVE BARGAINS.  I kind of get a little thrill out of it, ok maybe a big one.  However, I am so darn sensible I will only buy things that we need.  Hence, buying clothing four years in advance.  We are going to need them at some point.  Now, I should also add that I shop at Goodwill (you know this :).  When you shop at Goodwill you get what you get.  You can't go in and request a pair of size 8 Levi jeans, in good shape with minimal wear to the knees.  This is why I buy the clothes when I see them.  So, what do you think?  Its ok to tell me I'm crazy, my mom does already!

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