Thursday, June 23, 2011

Green Tip of the Week

One of the purposes of this blog is to document my family's attempts at being more eco-friendly.  As corny as it sounds, I love our planet.  I worry about what I will be handing over to my children and really worry about what my grandchildren will be inheriting.  I see the waste and the mindless harm we do to our planet and in turn, to ourselves and I cringe.  Really, think about the lack of nutrients found in our conventional food supply and the wealth of contaminants you can now find in our water supply, yet we as a country keep on doing what got us into this mess without a second thought.  So, this is my attempt to be a better steward to our planet and it would make me super happy if it also influenced someone else!

Tip of the Week:

Buy products made with recycled material. 

This is something I struggle with because recycled products tend to be more expensive and I'm pretty cheap.  But, from now on I will be purchasing more products made from recycled materials, otherwise all of my recycling is absolutely pointless.  If there isn't a market to buy the products, there is no reason to recycle.  Being kind to our planet is similar to eating well, a small financial investment in the present greatly reduces your expenses in the future. 

What products do you use that are made from recycled materials? 

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