Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goodwill Trip of the Week

I try not to go to Goodwill every week because I will spend to much, way too much, but I may be rethinking this & begin to develop something called restraint instead.  Restraint is a little foreign to me, but I am getting better at it.  So I tried out my new found restraint this week and went to Goodwill looking for a a few specific things.  I found one:

This handy dandy little hamper of sorts is going to help me make some money.  As I have mentioned before the kids share a bedroom.  Both of the kids' baby furniture was bought with the idea that they would use it throughout their entire time in our home - insert huge mocking laugh right now.  What was I thinking!?!  They have worn that stuff out and what I originally thought was decent construction is actually no where near the type of construction my kids need if I plan for it to last.  So their convertible cribs/beds are now packed up in our attic and they are continuing to use the dressers, but they definitely will not last 10+ more years.  So in an effort to get more closet space we are going to sell one of the cribs and the matching dresser.  The hamper will become a dresser of sorts.  So a $5 item is now going to help me make $125 (I hope:).

The next item is a $1.50 shirt from the Children's Place that will fit C next year and is in such good shape (and a dark color, to hide those stains better) that it should last through A too.

I left having spent $6.50 and hopefuly enabling myself to make $125 and guess what else?  I used restraint!  I'm really am getting better at this!

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