Saturday, May 7, 2011

SuperFoods Rx - A Book Review

Part I - An introduction to SuperFoods Rx

Caution this is a book that can change your life - for the better!  The suggestions for living a healthier, happier, and longer life provided in this book are completely manageable.  You are not asked to purchase expensive, exotic food, nor eliminate all the tasty things in your diet or starve to death. If there has ever been a book that has had an impact on my everyday life, this is it and I am so excited to share it with anyone who will listen!

Before I jump right into the superfoods here is a little info. about the book.  It is written by Steven G. Pratt, M.D. and Kathy Matthews.  Pratt is an opthamologist (he believes that many of our health issues are first visible in our eyes) who is also a world respected authority on healthy living.  Matthews is an author who has specialized in health and medical issues. It was published in 2004 and I am appalled that it took me this long to read it! 

I have read a few books on healthy living and been mildly disappointed.  For example, What to Eat, by Marion Nestle and In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan are both chock full of information about the benefits of healthy eating and study after study about cultures' eating habits, but neither helped me to be a healthier eater.  As I review that sentence I realize that it may make absolutely no sense, but what I am getting at was there was no real applicability to what they were telling me.  In the end what they said was eat less meat & dairy and more fruits & veggies.  Well duh!  I already knew that.  What I wanted to know was what foods to eat specifically and why to eat them.  I wanted to know particular foods' benefits.  That is exactly what you get in SuperFoods Rx and I loved it for that reason. 

The premise of the book is that we all know we should eat more fruits and veggies, reduce our intake of animal fat and avoid trans fat all together, but what we don't know is that there are many foods that are not only healthy, but can actually help stave off disease, slow the aging process considerably & often times reverse the damaging effects of our prior bad habits.  So the book introduces you to fourteen superfoods, their sidekicks, and even offers up several recipes for incorporating the superfoods into your diet.  Each superfood is accompanied by plenty of well researched justifications for eating the foods which includes the nutritional properties and benefits of eating the foods.  For example, did you know that tangerines are one of the best sources of a type of fiber called pectin, which is very powerful at reducing your cholesterol levels.  The book is full of useful information just like that.

In the next few weeks I will be going over each of the fourteen superfoods, their sidekicks and why we should eat each of these foods.  I can't wait to share this information with everyone and record it for myself.  The book has so much to learn from, it is a must read for anyone interested in healthier living.  If you can't wait for the next post here is the SuperFoods Rx website, so you can start improving your health now.

1 comment:

  1. Several weeks ago I read Superfoods Rx. I definitely liked the ideas the book presented, however, I have taken what I want from the book and adding it to other things that I already know about food, particularly that animal fat is not bad. I highly encourage you to read Nourishing Traditions. It is full of information and it's a cookbook too!
