Sunday, May 15, 2011

Plans for the New Week

It has been a productive Sunday here at the "Simpler Life" homestead.  Sunday is my baking day and I haven't quite figured out why it takes me a "day" to get it all done, but it is none-the-less done and I am thankful.  I made 2 loaves of bread, 2 pie crusts that I used to turn into a chicken pot pie for dinner tomorrow, chopped up four batches of organic homestyle veg-all, chopped up another bunch of veggies for my omelets in the morning and for our pizza tonight, made two pizza crusts (well actually three since the kids eat individuals), cooked a pound of sausage (half for the pizza and half for pasta later this week), and finally cooked some excellent oatmeal, peanut butter, whole wheat, chocolate chip cookies.  You can find the recipe here over at Money Saving Mom.  I'm not telling anyone in the house that they were totally made with whole wheat flour because right now they all like them and who wants to mess with that!!!!

Well, onto what I would like to accomplish this week:
  • Finish putting mulch down in the front yard.  This should take all of ten minutes if it would stop raining for ten minutes!
  • Request the fix for our recalled crib.  One of the ways we are going to save make money for our Florida trip is to sell our youngest child's crib and dresser.  Don't worry he hasn't used the crib in years and we got a replacement for the dresser.  Unfortunately, I found out today that the crib has a recall, so I need to get the fix kit and well, fix it so we can sell it.  This will add a minimum of $100 to our vacation fund, so this is pretty important!!!  And vacation is not too far away, so I need to hurry!
  • EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE - I did it twice this week before the rain came in and I need to do it a lot more this week.  In addition to, our local YMCA is offering a free two-week trial membership through the 30th, so I need to take advantage of that!
  • Save some of our $125 grocery budget for vacation.  $25 would be nice, only there is a glitch in this plan.  My in-laws are coming to visit (they are wonderful), but we always spend more money on groceries when they come, so I will have to be very careful about what I buy this week. 
  • My last goal is to get the first super food up.  The food is beans, which I do not like and I haven't quite worked out the way I want to organize the post.  I feel like I'm back in high school English and it is more difficult to get started than it ever is to write it, you just have to sit down and write it! 
  • And this is definitely not a goal, but rather a celebration - we got our electric bill last week which we budget $150 for.  This is often over and under depending on the season, but when you are getting ready for vacation and the bill is only $100 you get super, duper excited because that is a "free" $50 for the vacation fund!!!!
  • Sorry, I just can't end this - I will be going on my son's field trip on Thursday and I am super excited about that.  Rarely do I ever get to do anything with either of my sons' schools, because I am always at my own school teaching, so I am so thankful it worked out this year that I get to go.  I just wanted to share that!
Have a great week and I hope we all get what we want accomplished!

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