Friday, September 30, 2011

Days 5 & 6

Well, I am still going strong, maybe not as strong as I initially was, but I'm still going strong.  I have at times wanted more solid food (I eat two liquid meals a day), but I have been able to persevere and hang in there.  On Thursday there were all kinds of goodies at school in the teachers' lounge and I avoided everyone single one of them.  Friday was the day I worried the most about when I began planning to do this.  A very sweet lady, who just happens to make the most delicious sweets ever, brings to the school one of her amazing, scrumptious, make your mouth water and of course off my list of food I can eat deserts.  Thinking of those deserts really do help me get through the week and when Friday finally rolls around I am so excited to indulge in one.  So, today I had to resist and guess what....I actually did!!!!

As for the changes, I have definitely had more energy and a kinder, more peaceful disposition.  I have so much work to do and it really should be stressing me out, but it isn't :).  Another change I am supposed to see is a reduction in the size of the pores on my face.  I have been waiting for this, because I definitely have large pores.  Today was the day I noticed a difference!!!!  I am excited and I hope they get a bit smaller. 

I will try this weekend to give you a bit more details about the process and the changes I should see.  Enjoy the weekend!

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