Friday, September 30, 2011

Days 5 & 6

Well, I am still going strong, maybe not as strong as I initially was, but I'm still going strong.  I have at times wanted more solid food (I eat two liquid meals a day), but I have been able to persevere and hang in there.  On Thursday there were all kinds of goodies at school in the teachers' lounge and I avoided everyone single one of them.  Friday was the day I worried the most about when I began planning to do this.  A very sweet lady, who just happens to make the most delicious sweets ever, brings to the school one of her amazing, scrumptious, make your mouth water and of course off my list of food I can eat deserts.  Thinking of those deserts really do help me get through the week and when Friday finally rolls around I am so excited to indulge in one.  So, today I had to resist and guess what....I actually did!!!!

As for the changes, I have definitely had more energy and a kinder, more peaceful disposition.  I have so much work to do and it really should be stressing me out, but it isn't :).  Another change I am supposed to see is a reduction in the size of the pores on my face.  I have been waiting for this, because I definitely have large pores.  Today was the day I noticed a difference!!!!  I am excited and I hope they get a bit smaller. 

I will try this weekend to give you a bit more details about the process and the changes I should see.  Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Days 3 & 4 of the Cleanse

I have hit a bump in the road.  My stomach has been a bit upset today and yesterday.  I won't go into the gory details, but I think I am a little bloated.  The book addresses how this can happen (gory details), so it isn't totally unexpected or as scary as it could be since I was warned.  I still feel really good though!  It is amazing to me how I haven't eaten a cookie, pudding, bread, or for that matter any sugar that isn't naturally produced by plants!  I don't believe I have ever gone four days without those things!  I am also still exercising regularly and have had the energy to do so. 

On the note of energy, I have so much of it.  I have been an eight hour or more night kind of girl for as long as I have had kids.  I just might be turning into and eight hour or less girl thanks to all the good for you foods I am eating. 

Wish me luck as I continue.  I will need it to continue to resist those yummy goodies mentioned above.  It is picture day tomorrow and the yearbook staff always brings in the most delicious foods for all of the school's staff to eat, so I will really need good wishes tomorrow.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cleanse Day 2

So, a little about the cleanse I am doing...

It is based on the book Cleanse by Alejandro Junger who is a cardiologist.  He advocates a whole foods diet with a majority of it being raw.  For two meals a deal I have a smoothie and for the other I have a regular meal.  There are plenty of foods that I must avoid: grapes, oranges, strawberries, bananas, red meat, dairy products, wheat, sugar, etc. 

But the moral of the precleanse is I have had so much E.N.E.R.G.Y it is amazing.  I have always had an obsession with sweets, but it is gone.  I made cookies on Saturday, they are now gone, but I did not eat a single one on Sunday or Monday (I didn't eat them all on Saturday either). I have been able to adhere to the guidelines quite well, if I do say so myself.  The one exception is that I need more food than the smoothie recipes call for.  Since snacking is allowed, I have just been adding some more fruit or veggies into the smoothie. 

Well, that is my update for today, I now have to go clean up the mess I made with my dinner :). 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hello There - Day One of the Cleanse

I have been beyond negligent.  When I started this blog it was the end of the school year, the debate season was over (I'm the coach), my student's had taken their AP Exam, I only had one child in school & life was simply a little bit slower.  The opposite is true for all of the above now and something has had to give, hence the lack of posts.  But, in an effort to improve my mood and energy levels among other things, I am starting a cleanse.  I am so excited.  For the past week, give or take a day or two, I have been working my way into it and I am so pleased.  I have had much more energy than usual, a better mood, and considerably less stressed even though there is plenty to be stressed about. 

So my goal is to post once a day for the next three weeks about the cleanse.  I am hoping to do this for a couple of reasons:
  • Simply record my thoughts on the cleanse and how it is affecting me for future use.
  • Hold myself accountable.
  • Share with anyone who cares and hopefully get some tips from anyone who is still reading at this point :). 
Wish me luck!  Day one has been incredibly easy!  Details on the how the cleanse works (the instructions I am following) will hopefully be fourth coming, but I'm not making any promises given my present track record.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday Savings 9/3

Each week our family of four attempts to maintain a $125 grocery budget.  Generally speaking, this includes as much organic dairy and produce as our budget will allow and the stores carry.  I try to buy our meat from a local grocer who is supplied by an Amish community in Ohio.  Although it is not organic meat, I think it is pretty close, without being outrageously priced.  When our budget and grocery list allow I try to stockpile as much as I can.  Items stockpiled are highlighted in yellow below.  We rarely eat out and I am learning to cook from scratch (it's an on-going process :), you could say cooking is not one of my talents.

What a week of grocery shopping.  Somehow by Tuesday my husband was complaining because we were out of milk and salad and we had also run out of fruit for all of our lunches.  So on Wednesday, I already had to grocery shopping.  Never a good sign. 

I just finished reading "No Impact Man", which I highly recommend, and was more determined than ever to attempt to get our food as local as possible.  For example, I just can't understand why right now Meijer is stocking red, green & yellow peppers from Holland when we can get them from our local farmers.  That blows my mind. 

So my first stop on Wednesday was a local market where I got some tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. Then I ran off to Meijer where I found more potatoes on sale and I had to buy them up.  They were on clearance, but they didn't appear to be going bad so I bought 3 bags of organic potatoes for under $6.  I also got my free organic carrots (thanks Recyclebank!!!) and they had raspberries for $1 a pint.  Yum, Yum!!!!  I really didn't buy much at Meijer and somehow my total was close to $50 - my second bad sign!  My third bad sign was when I forgot to use my $25 giftcard that I bought last week for $22.  So this coming week I must do that!

At Kroger I spent $114, which was appalling to me considering I just spent $50 at Meijer and some more (I forgot how much) at the farmer's market.  I did buy soccer snacks which amounted $17, but I really didn't buy that much overall and I was totally shocked when I saw the total.  I recently lost my calculator that I used to track my spending as I shopped.  Boy do I need that calculator!

But, I wasn't done spending yet, there was still the local meat store, CVS, Walgreens & another farmer's market to go to.  All told I am $89 over budget this week and I don't have a lot to show for it.  I was thinking of increasing our budget to $150 if I am going to shop at the Farmer's Market.  It is more expensive, but the truth is I don't mind.  If I am supporting something that I believe in I am willing to pay a bit more.  We will also be getting our first CSA purchase this week.  It totals $64 and from memory it includes veggies, milk, cheese, wheat berries, meat and some other things I can't remember right now.  Well, after actually seeing (rereading) what I just wrote I do believe a jump in our budget is appropriate.  It is times like this when I really don't understand how some people are able to maintain such a tight budget and buy quality foods.  It obviously requires restraint that I don't have :(. 

Here is the breakdown of the shop.  Warning: It is a L.O.N.G. list!!!!

4-3 packs of gum$6.00
5 cans olives$5.00
Dawn$0.99.75 coupon
$6 in ExtraCare Bucks
Total Spent$5.62
Total Saved$17.14
Total Coupons$6.75
6 cans Mand. Org. $3.00
Total Spent$3.00
Total Saved6.98
Total Coupons6.98
Local Meat Store
2+ lbs Chicken
1 lb. bacon
.25 lbs. cheese
.75 lbs. ground chuck
.75 lbs. ground sirloin
Total Spent$19.22
PingPong balls$1.46
Shin guards$7.49
 3 bags Org. Pot.$5.57Marked down :)
2.34 lbs. grapes$4.66
2-16oz org. Carrots$2.00$2 coupon
Org. Yog.$3.56
Org. Spinach$4.99$2 coupon
2 Goldfish$2.39.55 coupon
2 Org. Romaine$5.98$2 coupon
2lbs. Org. Carrots$1.00
5-8oz Raspberries$5.00$1 each AMAZING!!!!
2-16oz Blueberries$5.00
Total Spent$46.58
Total Saved$27.86
Total Coupons$6.55
5 reusable bags$4.00
2-6 packs soda$6.00
2 Org. Eggs$7.982-$1coupons
4 Capt. Crunch Cereal$8.002-$1 coupons
String Cheese$3.99$1 coupon
1 box Capri Sun$1.99For Soccer
Olive Oil$3.59Marked down
6 cont. Peanut Butter$10.00
3 Org. Garb. Beans$2.67
3 2 liters soda$2.37
Capri Sun$3.98Soccer
Nabisco Snacks$7.98$1 coupon for soccer
2 Pudding$1.00$1 coupon
2 Pretzels$2.00
Org. Milk$5.49
3 cans Spinach$2.37
2 Bologna$2.00
Cinn Rolls$1.25
2 Hot Dogs$6.00.75 coupon
2 Org. Cereal$4.50$1 coupon
Oreo Snacks$3.99Soccer
Bagged Salad$1.99Forgot to use my coupon!!!!!
Chips$2.25Forgot to use my coupon!!!
3 strawberries$6.47
2 Guacamole$5.00
3.56 lbs bananas$1.96
2.13 lbs. org. Bananas$1.47
.25 coup. Eggs
.4 coup. Cereal
Total Spent$114.35
Total Saved$42.30
Total Coupons$9.15
Farmer's Market
I can't remember how much I spent
Total Weekly Spending$213.77
Total Savings$94.28
Total Coupons$29.43
Total for September$214.00
Budget over by $89
Monthly budgetover by $89
Yearly Spending$3,065.50