Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 7 through14

I'm still doing it!  I know I haven't updated in week, but life is still very busy, yet I have continued to follow the cleanse.  I have cheated a few times.  This week I had one slice of cheese pizza, one slice of delicious American Cheese, a piece of toast and I had some cream of mushroom soup that was added to something my family will be eating.  All of these were delicious, but I stopped.  Stopping is something I have always struggled with.  Although I still crave yummy, carbohydrate laden, sugar filled foods I can walk past them and say no.  This is something I was rarely able to do before. 

As for changes in my actual body, here is a list of a few things I have noticed:
  • I have lost about 6 lbs. :)!
  • My pores are smaller and my blackheads appear to be disappearing.
  • I have more energy (so much more, it is amazing!)
  • I am sleeping really well, finally.  At first this wasn't happening, but at the beginning of week 2 I started to sleep much better.
  • I am waking so easily.  It is Saturday and I woke up without an alarm clock at 5:15 and got up without any problem and I could have stayed in bed.
  • My sense of smell may be getting better - we will have to wait until next week to tell for sure.
  • I am exercising more - I'm sure this has to do with having more energy.
  • Oh and how could I forget - I am much more regular. Maybe you could have done without that info., but full disclosure is important :).
I am sure there are other things that I am forgetting and a whole slew of things that have gone undetected at this point like blood pressure, cholesterol, immunity, etc. 

This is my last week on the cleanse.  I hope I can finish it out well.  Wish me luck!